Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Green on The Horizon at BFI Southbank NFT3









That old Sanderson & Ball 'classic' Green on The Horizon gets a screening this week at NFT3 as part of a programme of Peter Greenaway related shorts entitled The Unreliable Narrator: Adventures in Storytelling, Documentary and Misinformation.

To  quote from the programme notes: Veracity and doubt play off each other to uncanny, witty ends in imaginative films by Greenaway, John Smith, Patrick Keiller, Steven Ball and Philip Sanderson. The voice illuminates and obscures in equal measure, dryly satirising the authority of the documentary narrator, and interrogating film language and the relationships between sound and image. Weird tales and odd instructions seep up through the gaps.

Steven and I shall be at the screening to make a brief introduction. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

New Website

I have a new website documenting all my various art work, be it music, single screen video, installation, Chronocuts, etc. It is called Rumble of The Ruins and you can find it here.